Monthly Archives: August 2016

Excerpt from Chapter 4 – “Prayer”

The Journey Through Cancer: How to Lose 25 lbs. Without Diet or Exercise, and Be Cancer Free in 8 Months | Jim Serritella

Excerpt from Chapter 4 – “Prayer”:

There is an old military expression, “There are no atheists in a
foxhole.” Welcome to the cancer foxhole! I don’t care whether
you are Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, and atheist, or whatever: you
will pray to a deity or higher power. God, Yahweh, or Buddha discussions
(I will use the term of God) will become part of your daily
mediation and petition. It just will. Refer to any of the updates presented
in Chapter 6.

“Let us remember we are in the holy presence of God, in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
Anyone who has been educated
by the Christian Brothers of St. John de LaSalle will know and
remember the opening words to all prayers on the hour and halfhour
while attending school. Followed by the closing words of the
prayer: “Live, Jesus, in our hearts forever.” The Christian Brother community
had, and still has, a major influence in my life. Did we pray
before exams? Of course. Have I continued to pray in times of uncertain
moments in my life? Of course. And when the cancer diagnosis
was announced, we prayed. And over the succeeding months of
tests, appointments, treatments, and operations, we kept a prayer

Excerpt from Chapter 3 – “The Problem”

The Journey Through Cancer: How to Lose 25 lbs. Without Diet or Exercise, and Be Cancer Free in 8 Months | Jim Serritella

Excerpt from Chapter 3 – “The Problem”:

In the world of problems, analysis, and solutions, questions must
be asked to derive the proper approach toward the overall end.
In this case, the PROBLEM is presented before the QUESTIONS so
that the depth of the issue can be assessed first. Some of the recommended
questions follow this section.

At all times the doctors are cautious in the discussions—noncommittal
and constantly needing more data. At all points along this
road, there is frustration. “What if” comments abound. And why
does it take so long?

Excerpt from Chapter 2 – “The Team”

The Journey Through Cancer: How to Lose 25 lbs. Without Diet or Exercise, and Be Cancer Free in 8 Months | Jim Serritella

Excerpt from Chapter 2 – “The Team”:

At all times the applicable team doctors must confer with each
other. In the past, they called and spoke with each other.
Today, more than not, communication is an electronic message or
report being forwarded to the participating doctor. Do not take any
doctor for granted. Contrary to popular belief, the doctor works for
you. If you are not comfortable with your doctor, stop the process,
go back to your primary doctor, relay your situation and status, and
request a new whomever: “Get me another doctor please.” In the
position of guardian, I have had one doctor removed from my wife’s
case and questioned, with definitive results, a doctor’s approach and
diagnosis with positive action defined by myself and agreed to by
our attending physician.

Thank you for a copy of your book…

Jim, thank you again for a copy of your book.  It is a great book and hits home in so many ways.  Although we all pray for a cure to cancer sooner rather than later, the reality is many more will probably have to make this journey before that happens.  With the benefit of your book, whoever has to make the journey in any capacity will be a little less terrified and a little more prepared.  Thanks again for sharing it.  Julie  (side bar – Julie is a neighbor who lost her husband to cancer 3 months ago – Phil C.  RIP)


Excerpt from Chapter 1 – “The Examination Accident”

The Journey Through Cancer: How to Lose 25 lbs. Without Diet or Exercise, and Be Cancer Free in 8 Months | Jim Serritella

Excerpt from Chapter 1 – “The Examination Accident”:

So you have an upset stomach. You really have an upset stomach—
as in you vomit several times in a short period of time.
My car or the car with the flashing lights and sirens—no decision
there, no time to waste—the ambulance arrived and we’re off to the
emergency room. Upon examination and after testing and results,
my wife had a urinary tract infection (UTI) which substantially disrupted
her digestive tract. Medicines were prescribed. Women are
more frequently affected by UTI problems. Let’s take a chest x-ray to
see if you have any form of lung congestion, blockage, or respiratory
irritation. The results were simple, the sentence easily stated,
and the next time period of life was about to be defined: “No pneumonia,
but there is a white spot on the top right lung. You better
have your doctor look at this!!”

Excerpt from Introduction

The Journey Through Cancer: How to Lose 25 lbs. Without Diet or Exercise, and Be Cancer Free in 8 Months | Jim Serritella

Excerpt from Introduction:

The Journey through Cancer is not written in the typical third-person
point of view or even in a narrative of a particular situation
or event. The Journey is real life and is written in first-person and
second-person, singular and plural involvement of the issue at
hand—lung cancer (or your particular kind of cancer). YOU have a
major activity and/or resultant in the discussion. Because my wife of
thirty-seven years, Betty, is the primary person throughout the book
and I am the writer of the story, the tense and wording are factual
and to the point. You are here, and I want you to realize The Journey
is real—because we lived it, and you are, or may be, living it. Cancer
is a rotten disease, regardless of where it occurs in the body. It can be
treated, and it can be beaten given the right parameters. I hope your
introduction to The Journey is educational and provides an emersion
into being a patient, advocate, or caregiver. The Journey is a team
effort. We went through it together, we are winners, and my wife is
the survivor. I am part of the support cast of thousands. Get your
team to read The Journey through Cancer.